
You've just done what most only dream about.

While others debate the merits of El Salvador's transformation, you've taken decisive action by joining the Build in El Salvador Kickstarter.

Like countless others who discovered the hidden potential here, you're positioning yourself at the forefront of a Renaissance that's redefining what's possible in Central America and the world.

What you're really unlocking:

  • The chance to build in a country that's gone from Plan B to Plan A for forward-thinking individuals
  • Access to a community of builders who share your vision of freedom and sovereignty
  • A front-row seat to El Salvador's transformation from traditional economics to Bitcoin-powered innovation
  • The opportunity to be part of something greater than yourself

Your next chapter begins where few dare to tread.

And just like those first Bitcoin pioneers who saw El Zonte's potential before anyone else, you're early.

What happens next:

Watch your inbox for crucial next steps (check that spam folder too - the algorithms aren't always freedom-friendly).

You're joining a community that's already proven what's possible here - from beachfront developments to mountain retreats, from Bitcoin education initiatives to transformative business ventures.

The opportunity isn't just in being here - it's in being here right now.

Welcome to the Build in El Salvador community.

- Jordan & Michael

P.S. As President Bukele understood when reading "The Sovereign Individual" - this isn't just about changing location. It's about positioning yourself where freedom and opportunity intersect.